The owners of La Casa sul Ponte

Who are we? Jessica, Peter, Romeo and Cahill


“Wanderlust” is my motto and way of life; it denotes the desire to go elsewhere, beyond one’s own world, to seek something else: a longing for exoticism, discovery, and travel.
I was born on the island of Elba and have lived on three continents for work and lifestyle choices. I’m passionate about music, food, good wine, and smiles, and I found my Home in Val Trebbia after much wandering.

Today, I work in fairs and communication, welcoming you to La Casa sul Ponte, and I keep dreaming.


I am a true native of Piacenza, one who loves to travel immensely, but “as well as in Piacenza you will not eat anywhere else”, and I am also regular in my habits, pragmatic, and extremely creative.

I spent whole nights planning this House, which I never expected to become a destination; I thought it would simply be the nest where I could rest on weekends and in summer.

I am an entrepreneur involved in metalworking, mechanical engineering, and keeping Jessica’s feet on the ground.

Romeo & Cahill

We are the most beautiful in the House. We are English Setters, expert hunters of cuddles, butterflies, and meatballs.

We are young and a bit exuberant; you may hear us bark occasionally. If you meet us in the garden, we may immediately demand attention, but we are very meek.

Ps: At the reception desk, you will find a jar of our biscuits, a word to the wise… and a few barks!

Contact us

Address: Via Sant’Antonino 16, Travo (PC)

Tel: +39 3471751439
